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Healing with Singing bowls Hans Uijleman (Dutch)

The Special and Healing Power of Gongs and Singing bowls A practical guide to learning the power of sound for harmonious physical and mental condition.

The Special and Healing Power of Gongs and Singing bowls A practical guide to learning the power of sound for harmonious physical and mental condition. This book deals with the history and operation of Tibetan and crystal sound scales and Chinese gongs; It provides an extensive guide on what is possible with sound scales and gongs. In addition, various exercises are described to get to know the enchanting sounds of these instruments. With the sound of sound scales and gongs busy, it's a discovery that never really ends. The healing effect of sound is a very old given. It's not like that if you're sick and you hear the sound of a soundtrack, you'll get better immediately. It is true that the beautiful sounds of these scales and gongs have a calming effect. In the deep experience of rest, space is also created for acceptance of illness or stress and for relaxation. When you're relaxed, a possible cramping can resolve. The body's self-restorative ability also increases by listening or being busy with sound. This book is recommended for people who want to know more about the beautiful sounds of sound scales and gongs and their healing effect on body and mind.

Author: Hans Uijleman
Publisher: Schors V.O.F., Uitgeverij
Type: With illustrations
Language Dutch
Originally not translated
Dimensions: 14x21.5 cm
Weight: unknown
Press: 1
ISBN13: 9789063788360

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