New Lenormand Cards 36 cards + instructions (Dutch Language)

New Lenormand Cards 36 cards + instructions (Dutch Language)

The gates to the light. Book and oracle cards (Dutch language)

The gates to the light. Book and oracle cards (Dutch language)

50 plants that changed history (Dutch language)

Plants are everywhere. They are so common that we never really think about the enormous influence they have on our daily lives. On a special occasion we give flowers and we spend many hours caring for the garden.
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Plants are everywhere. They are so common that we never really think about the enormous influence they have on our daily lives. On a special occasion we give flowers and we spend many hours caring for the garden. However, we unknowingly use plants in many more aspects of our lives: we use them as paint and building materials and process them into cosmetics and medicines. Even when we eat meat, we are completely dependent on plants to stay alive: the animals we eat are fed on plants. 50 Plants That Changed History is a beautifully produced book about the plants that have had the greatest influence on human civilization. Plants such as rice and wheat, which feed entire populations, are discussed, as well as herbs and spices that are highly regarded for their medicinal properties. Each description provides a fascinating overview of facts from economic, political and industrial history and thus offers a special insight into the most influential plants known to man.

Author: Billy Laws
Co-author: None
Size: 175x24x234mm
Language: Dutch
Number of pages: 224
ISBN13: 9789089982360

More Information
Dimensions 175x24x234mm
Country of Manufacture Netherlands
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