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Morganite is a soft pink, sometimes violet or even a salmon-colored beryl kind and is named after the American banker and collector John Piermont Morgan sr. This rare type of beryl is only in 1911 under his own name, known as colored Beryls from Russia, which are to the Russian mineralogist VJ Called Woroblev (Worobjeviet). Morganiet is in the United States have been found in the areas, and Pala Ramona in California. Morganiet come together with different types of tourmaline varieties. Morganiet is also found in Norway in Maine. Important sites are located in Brazil, especially in the state of Minas Gerais. Stones Maharita its striking pink and of very good quality. There are also known to cut stone having a weight of 500 carats. A small statue of morganiet of 11cm x 6 cm is taken from a site from Anjanabonoina. In the collection of the Museum in St. Petersburg are even a polished stone of 598.5 carats and a rough morganiet from Madagascar of five kilograms. The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC are faceted morganieten from 56 to 287 carats, and in the Royal Museum in Toronto a morganiet of 118.6 carats, these stones are all from Brazil or Madagascar. Other sites of morganiet are Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, China, Russia (Ural), Italy (Elba) and Kazakhstan. The red beryl byxbiet with the name is taken from the reference Wah Wah Mountain in the United States. The resulting cut stones weigh less than 10 carats.