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Yogi man Orang Malu The saga of the Yogi man / Orang malu originated in Java (Indonesia). The story is about a man who was so ashamed of the human race, he chose a life of meditation in their usual position, where he is still known for. Yogi man is said that he weeps for the suffering of the earth. Yet he may be deeply happy in his heart because he has peace and happiness within himself. Yogi man stands for: Modesty; Strength; Energy; New life. A Yogi man expresses that life goes in a circle. There is no beginning and no end. An end is a new beginning, the rebirth. Place the Yogi man in the house on the left side, placed his head toward the door. He shall all pass him influence with its positive force. Negative energy will be destroyed and cleaned evil. Put the Yogi man at a place where he attracts attention, so one can not resist the hand to lay his head. This ensures that he behoedtvoor them evil and embarrassment decreases. The lesson, which Yogiman wants to teach us that it is by humility and strength, new life always restarts. Orang Malu Massage This unique form of massage is an encounter between Eastern and Western massage influences. The massage is the basic philosophy behind the meaning of the Orang Malu. This wooden picture of Indonesian origin, is a symbol of modesty, strength, energy and the circle of life. Orang Malu massage has a positive effect on the respiratory, digestive, blood and lymph circulation. By providing energy and overall sense of well-being is the Orang Malu massage definitely an invitation to relax mentally and physically.