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Malachite is a mineral that is used as a gemstone. It is a copper-carbonate having the chemical formuleCu2CO3 (OH) 2. It is often found together in nature with the related azurite (Cu3 (CO3) 2 (OH) 2). Dekristalstructuur is monoclinic and is usually botryoidal shape. The name of the mineral is derived from Greek and refers to the color of the malva (mallow) Malachite was early treated as a gemstone. In Egypt there were cameos made amulets and decorative objects. The Greeks and Romans knew malachite. The pulverized mineral was used as make-up and as a colorant for paint. They claimed that malachite was able to protect children against sorcery and witchcraft. In ancient times it was thought that it could cure eye diseases. In the 16th century it was used in Central Europe to foster the growth of children and to alleviate pain. Worldwide found malachite. In Asia, significant amounts found in China, India and the Oeralin Russia as well as in Australia. On the American continent are the major stocks in the southwestern United States, mainly in the state of Arizona (in Bisbee was found a block of 4.5 tonnes). Malachieten in Mexico, Chile and Cuba are of gem quality. The most important and famous historical malachietreserves lie however in Africa. Here malachite since deoudheid won in the Copperbelt ("copper belt") in Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. The malachietzone stretches from the province of Katanga (Congo-Kinshasa) into Zambia. These malachieten are considered the most beautiful and best in the world. Beautiful malachietkristallen found in Namibia (Tsumeb), Morocco, Zimbabwe and Angola. Europe has only small deposits of little significance in Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, England Countries France.