"Druzies" of Chalcedony / Quartz & Petrified Fossil (white light brown) from West Java / Indonesia.

Satyaloka Pink Azeztulite

Satyaloka Pink Azeztulite "new pocket stone 2021" from Mount Vermont U.S.A.

Falcon's eye or "Tijgeroog blue" pocket stone from South Africa.

"The 43rd Tucson Fair of 2021", we will not experience this because of this. Corona, and Arizona / USA which has a negative travel advice! We did, however, approach our regular suppliers and have their latest products sent, including this product!
Availability: In stock
  • Buy 10 for €3.50 each and save 12%
Falcon's eye or "Tijgeroog blue" pocket stone from South Africa. is available to buy in increments of 1

Falcon's eye is a mineral and a variety of quartz. It consists of quartz which is fused with fibers of crocidolite (blue asbestos). Falcon's eye is dark blue with a characteristic chattoyance effect when the stone is polished. The blue falcon's eye will change into the golden tiger's eye over many thousands of years through oxidation. The largest site is Griquatown in South Africa. Furthermore, it is found in Wittenoom Gorge in Western Australia.

Tiger eye is a quartz variety. The color of the stone is tan to brown, streaky and opaque. Locations include Africa, India, Mexico, California and Australia. Tiger's eye is caused by the black-blue asbestos fibers that are called crocidolite. This creates solid inclusions of hair-like crystals in the quartz. The oxidation of the original crocidolite fibers creates the gold shiny limonite fibers of the stone. Tiger's eye is so named because the stone has a light reflection that is reminiscent of a tiger's eye. This slit-shaped light effect is called chatoyeren or "cat's eye effect". When the stone is cabochon (convex) cut, the beautiful cat's eye effect is best visible. The color of the stone gives it its name: the red type is called Cat's Eye, the blue Falcon's Eye and the yellow Tiger's Eye (golden yellow, golden brown).

More Information
Dimensions 35-45mm
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