
Rozenkwarts "reuzen" draak XXL (TOPSTUK!)

Unicorn XXL from Magnesite /Howlite from South Africa

Unicorn XXL from Magnesite /Howlite from South Africa

Dragon skull Tigereye small

Lovely little dragon skulls cut of the finest tiger eye from South Africa and the best craftsmanship of the Cheung brothers. Beautifully work at competitive price!
Availability: In stock
Dragon skull Tigereye small is available to buy in increments of 1

Dragon Skulls have a different vibration frequency and energy than the skulls that have the shape of a human head. Not everyone will and can work with the energy of the dragon. The Dragons work with the deepest emotions and the intensity of your own energy you feel you want it to be connected. Those who, instead of from their hearts, from their head life, will not work with the dragon energy. The dragon is strongly linked to the four elements; fire, earth, air and water, associated with the fifth element of Ether or Akash (life force). Dragons do not exist in real life, but still as a spiritual being. Once they have been physically present and in our deepest knowledge lies our memory of how they look / see. Dragons come in many different forms and many colors. The dragon has always been holding the energy that we had lost humanity. Now the earth and we humans in a higher frequency have ended, there are major changes in the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual area. The energy of the dragon has again become available to us. The dragon touches your soul at the deepest level, allowing you to grow and develop and to be who you really are on earth. The Dragons energy supports us tremendously in there. The spotless what can be purified and kindles fire where it is extinguished. Drake Energy is a transforming, loving energy. She breaks down in a loving but effective way open some tight and makes your heart again receptive to receive. Drake Energy as the energy from the source and for all. Only you can only receive the dragon energy when you're ready. When you're ready for anything, and I mean to see everything here and face them to want and dare to go. Dragons energy is given by the four elements - like fire; it purifies, burned, took hold and brutally. It goes to the core and cleanses all that is necessary and places it in the brightest light. Everything will become clear and bright for je.- as earth; the ground and you put down what needs to be put down. Full strength and fully in connection with the earth. - Like water; let loving energy flow like water, making your thirst quenched and you refreshed. - As air; The powerful energy of the Dragon is always there and you can always make use of, as well as from the air.

 The mystery of the skulls

Tiger eye is a quartz variety. The color of the stone is yellowish brown to brown, streaked and opaque. Repositories include Africa, India, Mexico, California and Australia. Tiger Eye is caused by silicification of black blue crocidolite asbestos fibers that are called. This produces solid inclusion of hair-like crystals in the quartz. By the oxidation of the original crocidolite fibers rise to the gold shiny limonite fibers of the stone. Tiger Eye is so called because the stone has a light reflection reminiscent of the eye of a tiger. This slit-shaped light hot chatoyeren or kattenoogeffect. When the stone cabochon (BOL) is cut, the beautiful kattenoogeffect is most visible. The color of the stone gives it its name: the red species called Catseye, the Hawkeye blue and yellow Tigereye (golden yellow, golden brown).


Gemstone therapy Tigeriron (Dutch)

All about Tiger eye

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Dimensions 70x40x30mm
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