Dowsing. Dutch language.

Dowsing. Dutch language.

Mindfulness. Dutch language.

Mindfulness. Dutch language.

The golden ratio. Dutch language.

Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci and scientists like Kepler and Plato were privy to a great secret that they were not allowed to share with the uninitiated. This great secret is the key to our understanding of nature and life.
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Artists like Leonardo Da Vinci and scientists like Kepler and Plato were privy to a great secret that they were not allowed to share with the uninitiated. This great secret is the key to our understanding of nature and life. This secret is revealed to you in this compact book. Here you will read about one of the greatest mysteries of existence, a secret code of proportions that we find everywhere in nature and whose beauty we intuitively experience.

Author: Scott Olsen
Co-author: None
Size: 145 x 175 mm
Language: Dutch
Number of pages: 64
ISBN13: 9789463596534

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