De Levensbloem Andreas Beutel (Dutch language) Palaysia publishing house

De Levensbloem Andreas Beutel (Dutch language) Palaysia publishing house

The universe is behind you Gabrielle Bernstein (Dutch language) Palaysia

The universe is behind you Gabrielle Bernstein (Dutch language) Palaysia

Merkaba Andreas Beutel (Dutch language) Palaysia publishing house

Get to know the matrix behind our world... clear, concise explanation of the Merkaba, and how to activate it within yourself.
Availability: In stock

Get to know the matrix behind our world... clear, concise explanation of the Merkaba, and how to activate it within yourself. The world is an illusion. But how does it come about? And what is our role and place in it? Embark on a journey into the depths of the rabbit hole, into sacred geometry, and discover the matrix behind our world. Experience all the mythical traditions of the Mer-Ka-Ba as a chariot, heavenly horse and mysterious dimension vehicle. Finally, discover the greatest secret of all religions, which is hidden in the midst of us: the heart.

Author: Andreas Beutel
Co-author: None
Language: Dutch
Dimensions: 165x115x9 mm
Pages: 112
ISBN13: 9789492412461

More Information
Dimensions 165x115x9 mm
Country of Manufacture Netherlands
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