Michael Gienger. 430 stones from A to Z (Dutch language) Altamira publishing house.

Michael Gienger. 430 stones from A to Z (Dutch language) Altamira publishing house.

173 boxes full of the most rare shells.

173 boxes full of the most rare shells.

Robert Simmons. The wisdom of stone super thick book (Dutch language) Altamira onion factory.

This book is the most complete and comprehensive overview of the fascinating world of precious stones, crystals and minerals and of their metaphysical effect.
Availability: In stock
Robert Simmons. The wisdom of stone super thick book (Dutch language) Altamira onion factory. is available to buy in increments of 1

This book is the most complete and comprehensive overview of the fascinating world of precious stones, crystals and minerals and of their metaphysical effect. More than three hundred different species are described, each with an overview of the operation and origin, and illustrated with color photographs. Never before has such a clear overview been presented of the world of stones and their use in healing and spiritual awakening. The wisdom of stones teaches you everything about the scientific components of stones and minerals, about their history and origin, elemental energy, corresponding chakras and the happiest combinations. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this impressive book is a reference work that will provide you with clear and accessible information time and time again. It makes you part of the beauty and positive qualities of the stone realm and forms a support and shelter on the spiritual path. The register also makes it possible to find a tailor-made stone for a wide variety of physical, emotional and spiritual points of interest. "The best book of its kind. If you want to get one book on the subject, choose this jewel! "- Dr. Eric Pearl, author of the bestseller The Reconnection

Number of pages: 472
Author: Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
Edition: 1
ISBN: 978-94-0130-042-1
Nur: Unknown
Version: Paperback
Format: 254x205 mm

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