Blue Calcite sculptures from Madagascar Bombetoka

Blue Calcite sculptures from Madagascar Bombetoka

100 Sandstone Buddha lucky amulet

100 Sandstone Buddha lucky amulet

Rose Quartz world's finest hand-cut cuddle stones.

Great nice quality, the most intense pink what can be found on the world. Did you know that TG in 2012, was the 2nd largest rose quartz importer of Europe, then we imported 23 tons!
Availability: In stock
Rose Quartz world's finest hand-cut cuddle stones. is available to buy in increments of 1

Rose quartz (Love stone) is a quartz variety. The color varies from dark pink to very light, translucent pink. Rose quartz, named for its pink color, is often cracked and usually slightly cloudy. The coloring agents are titanium and manganese. The color can fade, causing very small rutile needles with cabochon cut a six-rayed star. Rose quartz has been worked as a gemstone for a long time. The best rose quartz is extracted in Madagascar. Cat's eye rose quartz is found in Sri Lanka. It is also found in Kenya, Mozambique and Namibia. There are numerous sites in Brazil, in Minas Gerais rose quartz was first found in 1959, some rose quartz from Brazil show a cat's eye effect or asterism. In the United States, rose quartz is found in the states of Maine, California, South Dakota and Colorado. Asterism occurs in rose quartz from New York and Georgia. Russia, Kazakhstan, India and Japan also supply rose quartz. Rose quartz of more than 20 carats is rarely faceted. Inside the American Museum of Natural History is a 625 carat rose quartz sphere that displays asterism.

The most beautiful minerals, fossils and gemstones from Madagascar. Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar and previously known as the Malagasy Republic, is an island in the Indian Ocean, off the southeastern coast of Africa. The nation consists of the island of Madagascar (the fourth largest island in the world) and many numerous smaller peripheral islands. It is a famous place for diving and swimming and it is famous for its high quality gemstones extracted from the bottom and rocks. We at Timmersgems are proud to say that we are the third largest importer of Madagascan gemstones in Europe, just after a French company. Every year we fill at least 3 large containers with the most beautiful gemstones, minerals and buffalo horns. If you take a look in our webshop and showroom you will find a large assortment of Labradorite, Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz and many many other types. We do business with 17 small family businesses on the island. In this way we can guarantee that you will find the best and most beautiful gemstones and minerals. We have also supported these families since the start of our company 35 years ago. We have lost our hearts to the island, the people and the products. Every year it is a great thing to visit the island and find the best stones and minerals for you. Madagascar's natural resources include a range of unprocessed agricultural products and minerals, including raffia, fishing and forestry, and is a mainstay of the economy. Madagascar is one of the world's foremost suppliers of vanilla, cloves and ylang-ylang. Other important agricultural resources include coffee, lychees and shrimp. Major mineral resources include various types of precious and semi-precious stones, and Madagascar currently provides half of the world's supply of sapphires, which were discovered near Ilakaka in the late 1990s. The island also has one of the largest reserves of ilmenite (titanium ore), as well as important reserves of chromite, coal, iron, cobalt, copper and nickel. A number of major projects are underway in the mining, oil and gas sectors and are expected to give a significant boost to the Madagascan economy. This includes projects such as ilmenite and zircon mining of heavy mineral sands near Tolanaro by Rio Tinto. Madagascar is a very poor country with a lot of flora and fauna. On Madagascar you can encounter 400 plants and animals that you cannot find ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. Also the minerals Blue Coelestine, Labradorite and Polychrome & Ocean Jasper are only found in Madagascar.

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